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Federal Programs/Resources

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Part of the Elementary and Secondary Act, currently known as Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Title I is a federal entitlement program that provides the district and schools serving low income families with funds to improve student achievement. District and school allocations are based on the number and percentage of students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches.

There are four guiding principles in ESSA:

1. Schools are expected to teach students using standards-based curriculum and scientifically based methods proven to be   successful.
2. Schools and districts are accountable for demonstrating that all students are meeting academic goals each year. Schools not making adequate progress for two or more consecutive years in reading or math are in "school improvement" status.
 3. Teachers and instructional paraprofessionals must be highly qualified. School districts must develop plans to ensure highly qualified teachers and instructional paraprofessionals in Title I funded programs.
 4. Parents must be given information, rights and choices concerning their child's education. ESSA states parents have a right...
  • to have access to their child's individual performance levels on the statewide assessments
  •  to know if their child's school is making adequate yearly progress (links to Ohio Department of Education Local Report     Cards)
  • to know the qualifications of their child's teachers,
  •  to be informed if their child is being taught by a substitute or a non-highly qualified teacher for longer than four consecutive weeks, and
  • to know about school choice and supplemental educational services.


Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), all school districts are required to notify parents with children in Title I Schools that they may request information regarding the professional qualifications of each student’s classroom teachers. This information may include qualifications listed below.

  • If the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade level and subject areas taught
  • If the teacher is teaching under emergency or temporary status in which state qualifications or licensing criteria are waived
  • The teacher’s baccalaureate degree major, graduate certification, and field of discipline
  • The qualifications of any paraprofessional that is providing services to the student

If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact your building principal. Thank you.