Title I Information
What is Title I?
The Delaware City Schools Title I program is a federally funded supplemental educational program that provides financial assistance to improve educational opportunities for students needing assistance in literacy. Title I programs are designed to help children meet the Ohio Learning Standards in Reading, Language Arts, and Writing.
Currently, the Delaware City Schools Title I program is a School Wide program that benefits all students and teachers in Laura Woodward Elementary School and James Conger Elementary School. It is a Targeted-Assistance program at David Smith Elementary School. A number of reading instructors are funded through the Title I program. Title I funds are also used for items such as literacy instructional supplies, teacher professional development, pupil personnel services, staff and community support services, and mandated nonpublic instructional services.
Title I Parent Involvement
Delaware City School District is committed to working in partnership with parents in a variety of ways.
One specific area of cooperation is the Title I program. In accordance with federal law, our district stakeholders have created a Title I School-Parent Compact that encourages parental involvement in the educational programs in our district. We invite you to work with us in the Title I program.
Below is a copy of our School-Parent Compact, which lists specific ways in which we can work together. The compact lists the responsibilities of the school, the students, and the parents.
All families in Title I buildings receive the Compact in an effort to communicate partnership opportunities. Each fall each building holds a Title I Parent Meeting to explain Title-related programming, instruction, and staff as well as to share other involvement activities.
We would like to thank you for your support and cooperation of our Title I program. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the building principal or the district coordinator.
Title I Parent-Student Compact
View the Title I Parent Involvement Policy