Safe and Drug Free School Plan
The Safe & Drug Free Schools Program Students asked to Participate in Voluntary Survey In 2009, students in This survey is anonymous; no names or personal identifiers will be used. The answers that students give will be used only as part of a group response. Since 1988, the Safe &Drug-Free Schools Consortium has conducted this survey every three years. Diagnostics Plus, an independent research firm in Principal funders of the survey are the Office of Justice Programs (#199-JN-FX-0144), Student Assistance Program (SAP) The Rutherford B. Hayes Student Assistance Counselor program is a school based program designed to assist students with support and interventions for academic, behavioral, attendance,substance abuse, mental health, or social issues. It provides resources for students and parents in the school setting that teachers do not possess and assists with decreasing student barriers to academic engagement and learning. It is also designed to provide an arena to utilize prevention approaches to decrease the initiation of substance use among student population. The SAP program is based on two SAHMSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) models of intervention called Project SUCCESS and The Logic Model. Project SUCCESS is a research-based program founded on research and practice by the program developer Ellen Morehouse LCSW,CASAC, CPP. Project SUCCESS works by placing a trained, masters-level professional in the school to provide a full range of substance abuse prevention and early intervention services, including information dissemination, prevention education, problem identification and referral, community-based processes, environmental approaches, and resistance and social competency skills. Project SUCCESS has been designated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) as a Model Program as well as The Logic Model. Positive Behavior Support(PBS) Positive Behavior Support (PBS)is an approach to intervention derived from social, behavioral, educational,and biomedical science to achieve reduction in problem behavior and improved quality of life. PBS is unique in its focus on systems change. Emphasis is placed on prevention, environmental redesign, and instruction. Instead of relying on punishment and school exclusion to control problem behavior, PBS emphasizes early screening for students who are at risk of problem behavior and using assessment strategies that identify the function or purpose of the behaviors to develop more effective, efficient and relevant behavior intervention plans. This approach is known as School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS). The framework for PBS has been implemented in each of the school buildings in our district. School-Wide Positive Behavior Support is best defined by the interaction of the following components: · A common purpose and approach to discipline; · A clear set of positive expectations and behaviors; · A continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior; · A continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior; and · Procedures for on-going monitoring and evaluation of the process. Research studies have demonstrated that when PBS strategies are implemented school-wide, children with and without disabilities benefit by having an environment that is conducive to learning. They learn more about their own behavior, learn to work together, and support each other as a community of learners. Our PBS model is based on the Effective Behavior Support Model (Sugai, 1999) developed at the Recovery and Prevention Students Against Substances (SAS) SAS is a student-led group comprised of substance-free students who plan and oversee Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug (ATOD)-free events throughout the school year to provide alternate activities in which to participate. They encourage other students to remain free of ATOP and act as role models throughout the district. The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is a school-wide program designed to prevent or reduce bullying throughout the school setting. The multi-component approach involves individuals, classrooms, entire schools, as well as parents and communities, to successfully address bullying in schools. Statistics show how successful implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program can reduce school bullying. Outcomes have included: · Reductions in student reports of being bullied and bullying others. Peer and teacher ratings of bullying problems have yielded similar results. · Significant reductions in student reports of general antisocial behavior such as school bullying, vandalism, school violence, fighting, theft, and truancy. · Significant improvements in the classroom social climate as reflected in students’ reports of improved order and discipline,more positive relationships, and more positive attitudes toward schoolwork and school. · Greater support for students who are bullied,and stronger, more effective interventions for students who bully. The Teen Survivor Program was brought to the schools through a coalition of Law Enforcement, Schools, and Social Agencies from Project Promise is a collaborative project between Project Promise has four phases: · Phase One: Engagement and Team Preparation · Phase Two: Initial Plan Document · Phase Three: Ongoing Plan Implementation and Refinement · Phase Four: Transition From Project Promise Families are identified for Project Promise utilizing four criteria: (1) The needs are big enough that they will take awhile to achieve, (2) There is more than one way to meet the needs, (3) The needs will motivate the family to want to participate on the Project Promise team, and (4) If the student needs are met, it will improve the quality of life for the student and/or those who are engaged with the student on a regular basis such as family, friends, and teachers. Organizations who participate in Project Promise include (but are not limited to): Teen Institute Program The Teen Institute Program consists of drug-free high school students that encourage their peers and younger students to live a life free of violence, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (VATOD). These students participate in ongoing leadership training, prevention programs, community service projects and social drug-free events. The Teen Institute students serve as positive role models throughout the school district and community with programs such as DARE. Junior Teen Advocates Junior Teen Advocates (JTA) is a leadership program for middle school students that promotes healthy life choices, including being drug-free. JTA is sponsored by Recovery& Prevention Resources (RPR) of Babes Beginning Alcohol and Basic Education Studies (BABES) is a primary prevention program designed to help young children, preschool, and kindergarten, develop positive life skills. The purpose of the program is to support the social/emotional development of young children. Participants learn and practice age appropriate life skills including understanding feelings, decision making,coping, getting help, and awareness about medicine and drugs. The program supports and reinforces the development of healthy attitudes and behaviors at a critical developmental phase for these children. The program also helps to identify and redirect inappropriate behaviors. Early Asset Development Research shows a strong correlation in children and youth between the presence of identified developmental assets and leading a healthy and productive life. The goal of the Early Asset Development program is to assist young children in building developmental assets by teaching them positive social skills. The curriculum design strengthens children’s desire for healthy living by improving their ability to protect themselves from harmful behaviors and decisions. Y.E.S./SAFEkids Children of individuals with alcohol and other drug problems (COA) are a high risk population with specific needs and issues. When these children gain related knowledge and skills, they are better prepared to cope with the challenges of their situation. This prevention program was developed by the Columbus Health Department for children growing up with parental alcohol or other drug abuse problems. The three goals for participants in this program are: 1. Reduce the risk of alcohol and other drug abuse 2. Increase self-esteem and self worth 3. Increase coping skills The program is a 12 session curriculum, created for children 5 to 13 years of age. Teachers or counselors identify and refer students to the program The sessions use age-appropriate activities to provide education that addresses: feelings, anger and anger management, defenses, alcohol and other drug use, COA risk issues, family issues, problem solving, identifying safe places and safe adults, self-esteem, and the importance of play. Curricular/Classroom Emphasis Within classroom settings at all schools, relevant discussions concerning ATOD use is infused into Health Wellness classes. Age appropriate information and materials are distributed. *Align the Design* Department of Curriculum & Assessment |