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Teacher Selection Process

(This process typically requires a minimum of two visits to our district by the applicant)
A. Preliminary Interview
  1. Student teaching should be completed (exceptions may be made for those applicants doing student teaching during the spring quarter or second semester).
  2. Be available to schedule an interview during office hours.
  3. Interviews may be conducted by the Executive Director of Human and Material Resources, Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Director and / or the building principal.
B. Final Interview
  1. If selected as a finalist from a preliminary interview, you will be invited to participate in job interviews for specific positions.
  2. The job interview will usually take place in the building where the position exists and will involve the principal and other staff and community members.
  3. All applicants who participate in a job interview will be notified as to their status regarding the position.
C. Employment
  1. If selected to be recommended for employment, you need to meet with the executive administrative assistant in the Human and Material Resources Office to complete the criminal record / background checks ($55 paid for by the applicant),  and complete further pre-employment requirements.  
  2. All offers and recommendations for employment are contingent on satisfactory background check reports, reference checks, licensure and approval of the Board of Education.