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Technology Department

The Delaware City Schools Technology Team supports the infrastructure and maintenance of all technology for the district’s seven school buildings, the administrative office and transportation.

Each building has an assigned Teaching and Learning Coach to support the creation of blended and personalized classroom learning environments. The Educational Technology Team helps teachers and students to integrate our DCS digital products, including our Learning Management System - Canvas, and Google Workspace. (Google products) Our coaches are skilled in designing student-centered learning activities that harness the power of technology to empower student learning and engagement.


CTO picture

Jennifer Fry
Chief Technology Officer/Director of Technology

Melissa Gilligan
Administrative Assistant

74 W. William Street
Delaware, Ohio 43015

DCS Technology Help Desk for Staff:
Phone: 740-833-1871


DCS Technology Help Desk for Families:

Operational Technology Staff:
Eric Winkler- Systems Administrator
Jamie Williams- Network Administrator
William Ruhlen-Field Technician
David Shoffner-Field Technician

Educational Technology Staff:
Toby West- Data Coordinator
Amanda Mays- Teaching and Learning Coach: Schultz and Carlisle Elementary
PJ Terry-Teaching and Learning Coach: Conger, Smith, and Woodward Elementary
Heath Gorden-Teaching and Learning Coach: Dempsey Middle School
Paul Tankovich-Teaching and Learning Coach: Hayes High School