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School Handbooks, Fees and Supply Lists

2024-2025 School Handbooks
Elementary & Middle School Handbook (Spanish)

2024-2025 School Supply Lists
Preschool Supply List
Elementary School Supply
Dempsey Middle School Supply List

Hayes High School does not have a school supplies list. Incoming students should bring folders, notebooks, pencils & pens, and a graphing calculator for Algebra 1 and above math classes (TI-84, TI- 84 plus or TI N-spire, can be rented or purchased from Hayes main office). Teachers will notify students in the first few days of school if additional supplies are needed.

2024-2025 School Fees

Hayes High School Fee Document

Elementary (K-5)

School fees help offset the cost of consumable items, including student workbooks, art supplies and technology subscriptions.
Kindergarten - $25
First Grade - $25
Second Grade - $25
Third Grade - $25
Fourth Grade - $25
Fifth Grade - $25

Dempsey Middle School Fees

6th Grade Fees
   Student Planner/Agenda - $5
   Art Supplies - $10
   Science - Lab Fee - $5
   Technology Protection Fund - $35
   6th grade camp - TBD
7th Grade Fees
   Technology Protection Fund - $35
   Science Lab Materials - $10
   Student Planner (optional) - $5
8th Grade Fees
   Technology Protection Fund - $35
   Science Lab Materials - $10
   Student Planner - $5 (optional)

Additional fees based on the student schedule:
   Physical Science Lab Fee - $15 (in place of 8th grade Science fee)
   Art - $10
   Performing Arts - $10
   Instrument maintenance fee - $12 (for students using district-owned orchestra/percussion instruments)
   CBI - $20 (payable to the DACC)
   Pay to Participate - $25 per sport or performance