Staff Resources
Staff Resources and Useful Links
Technology Issues: (or call X1871 with an emergency)
Staff Requests for Webpage Updates: Use this Google Form
Wellness Resources: DCS Fit for Life
Employment: Internal Job Postings
Staff Resources (Google Drive): Staff Resources folder
PeopleWerks: PeopleWerks Staff Login Page (Must be on DCS internet to access)
YouTube Restriction Unblock Request: Teachers: complete this form at least two days prior to classroom use to ensure that YouTube videos are unblocked for students.
Long-Term Substitutes
Required forms for School Offices to complete for Long-Term Substitute Teachers and Student Teachers
This form provides information for the Tech Department to create and adjust account access for long-term subs and student teachers.
Before the Sub or Student teacher starts: Principals and/or Administrative Assistants must complete:
- Long-Term Substitute/Student Teacher
Complete this form as soon as you know who will be a Long-Term Sub or Student Teacher in your building. Long-term sub or student teacher will lose access to accounts on the noted end date. If the end date changes, please notify the Tech Department by sending and email to
- Long-term sub or student teacher will receive access to the same technology as the classroom teacher.